Cryptocurrency trading platform

Core results of our business cooperation
Starting with a Peatio open source code, during 2018, we have developed and deployed to production cryptocurrency trading platform.
The challenge of the project was to develop and deploy to production cryptocurrency trading platform in very short terms - 3 months. On the other hand there was a long features list for upgrading service step by step after the production star and that’s why the solution we were looking for has to be flexible, easy to add new features, scale, update and improve.
We have done market research which shows us that the optimal way of doing that project is using open source solution Peatio as a basis of the project.

Codein management has created dedicated team that consist from Ruby (RoR) developer, front-end developer, devops, html developer, QA, PM/BA. There was created roadmap that has set milestones for every stage of project creation from POC and MVP to next features implementation.
As a result, during 2018, we have developed this project into fully cryptocurrency exchange platform.
- developed a new modern front-end single page application with night and day mode, modern construction of charts;
- implemented our own multilanguage mechanism;
- implemented our own push notification mechanism;
- implemented modern methods of two-factor authorization;
- implemented integration with several payment gateways for fiat currency connection;
- implemented cold wallets and hardware wallets management, and multisignature;
- implemented SEO optimization;
- upgraded admin-panel, with new features of regulatory control of payment gateways, withdrawal and deposit monitoring of fiat currencies and coins, hot and cold wallets management, limits and fees management for verified and unverified users, manual and automatic mode of query evaluation for fiat currencies and coins withdrawal;