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Managing Remote Software Development Projects
If you do choose to outsource your software development projects, take some time to consider how you will best manage these projects. The range of services that can be outsourced effectively can vary from one-off custom software development projects to full-scale software maintenance.

Identifying a competent remote dev team
The reasons why companies choose to outsource their software development vary.
Typically founders, directors or project owners point to following the benefits of outsourcing software development: cost-efficient allocation of resources, the ability to work with specialists bringing in a specific skillset and relevant experience to the table, or simply getting an honest third-party opinion and recommendations on their existing dev ops.

Outsource Ukraine
As far back as Jack Trout in his book "Marketing Warfare" disclosed in detail the opinion that the entrepreneur shouldn’t have to build a completely vertical company structure for successful business. There will always be something that you do better than others, and this is what becomes your competitive advantage.

Does a startup need to outsource software development?
Every single startup goes through the same stages of development. And sooner or later, one of the main questions arises: Is it time for some tech help?
While, in most cases, the budget for the startup establishment is quite limited, it is still not the main criterion to consider, trying to answer the question. The most important metric is whether technology is a part of the core value proposition of the product, or is it a vehicle to solve a growing business need.

The system is developed and implemented. What's next?
When you are hiring a team for some Web application or software development, the first thing that interests you is the development time and the total project cost. Besides, you should think about how your IT system will work at the beginning of the project, also take into account development technologies, architecture, etc.

Do we really spend our time for nothing or it's a part of something bigger (next big thing)?
Recently, a very interesting article has come across my desk by Ukrainian scientist who studies abroad computing clusters and other interesting things in reference to the pure science.

PSD2 Directive
Accessibility of banking services have been admitted for all people as one of the priority tasks together with education, access to information and clean water. The telecommunication infrastructure is very unequally developed in the world, so banking has its own characteristic features in different countries. For example, the African M-Pesa became the first case, when a completely non-banking organization started providing banking services. And all because of non-traditional service access.

Codein Software Recognized as a Top Ukrainian B2B Company by Clutch.
Did you know that the average person spends 171 minutes per day on their phones? Taking advantage of mobile traffic can be critical to growing your business. Our team of professionals have been working since 2011 to develop complex mobile and web development projects for our customers. In light of this, we’re proud to announce that Clutch has named us a top mobile app developer in Ukraine in its latest press release!

Security, usability and budget economy - choose any two characteristics for your project.
Need Help Fixing a Hacked Wordpress Site!!! This howl of despair I came across on freelance website publication today.
We, as a team, that earns daily bread by developing different soft, including web projects, when the time has come, also came to the question “What should we choose to built our website?”.

Product or Solution?
You have got an idea how to improve quality of work of your company
or an idea of online breakthrough service, etc.
First of all, you are going to find a developer who will help you to
implement this idea. You will found websites of
some developers and every website will have different sections, like
services, products, expertise, solutions... How
to understand what exactly you need, product or solution? Which
company is better to choose that offers services,
products or solutions?
Calmly, take a nice deep breath and
slowly breath out - now everything is going to be at
its own place.

.NET CORE. One more reason to use .NET
Previously, according to our opinion, we wrote “Why” is building a serious solution on .NET have a sense.

Verification of the suggested technology stack
Criteria for choosing a technology stack.
If you think about development of your own service, than it is 99.9% that this is in reference to development of product for market. Your project has a commercial purpose, the logic and strategy of monetization and the economic feasibility, that is mean that making any decisions or choosing solutions in the product development is not the last factor.

What is a technology stack?
Criteria for choosing a technology stack.
The choice of technologies with the help of which you will develop your project, depends on many factors. If there won’t be many criteria for you as a client (most likely, the main criteria will be price, and rightly so), then the developer needs to take a decision based on more than 7 different factors.

Why should you hire experienced specialists and what are the benefits to hire junior developers?
There are a very frequent job publications on freelance web-services, like this:
_“This should be a pretty straightforward Xamarin interface and we have a half-built prototype to show the basic concept. Looking for a senior-level full-stack Xamarin developer who is quick at turning out quality concepts to come in and "rockstar" this one to completion in a few weeks.”_

Why is .NET?
Criteria for choosing a technology stack.
As you understood there are no good or bad technologies and programming languages. There are those, that are appropriate for your project and those that are not appropriate.

About transferring project
How to understand that it is time to change a team?
In truth, primary thing that you should start with is your strategy and goal.

Active phase of software development
Cooperation with developer
The best way for professional engagement and interaction is when both parties are “in the process.” in other words, you as a client must participate directly in making important decisions and in the software development process, you should know the stage of the project its execution and understand all the features of its implementation.

Pricing methods and project models
Pricing methods
If you made a choice of outsource development, then your next step is pricing method.
Currently, we have two types of pricing method:

A few words about choosing developers
You have several different options to choose from outsource and outstaffing (“borrow” full time worker from another company) to form your own team.
Today, there are a wide variety of outsource developers. But as always, it’s all about three factors - cost, timeline and quality.

How to cooperate with “comers”?
A piece of advice for a client :)
Short hint for a client how to hire web-development company
Sometimes communication between client and development team (engineers), reminds us discussion between two different races from another planets. It’s a really good thing, when both of them are humanoids and can speak with the help of the same “mechanism” :).